The Romanian Association for Explosives and Shooting Engineering , created in July 2015, is a non-governmental, non-profit and apolitical association.
The purpose of ARDE is the unitary representation of the interests of its members in the non-commercial relations between them and the central and local authorities in Romania, as well as internationally, directly involved in the processes of production, marketing (import-export and distribution) and use of industrial explosives. ARDE represents the unification of the main operators in the field in Romania.
The objectives of ARDE are the following:
* Promote the standardization and harmonization of explosives training in Europe, including the preparation of the standard training requirements for shooting operations: underground, surface (up-to-date operations) and special ones, such as demolition, underwater shooting, shooting in forestry and agriculture, shooting of ice and frozen lands etc.
* Development of good practices, harmonization of rules and regulations in the European Union regarding the use of explosives in the civil field. The training of the personnel and the work force are very important from the point of view of the necessary qualifications and the training programs of the fireworks, so that the fireworks certificates must be quality certificates that attest that his owner has the necessary competence and capacities in this field.
* Supporting all EFEE (European Federation of Explosives Engineers) efforts regarding the issuance of a European fireworks certificate.
* Cultivating the image of the profession, but also of the good relations and collaboration with the related associations.
* Supporting trust, skills and ethical and environmental aspects related to the use of explosives.
* Promoting professionalism, safety, seriousness and legality in all activities related to the use of industrial explosives.
* Contacting the authorities directly involved in the processes of production, marketing and use of explosives, in order to present a unitary point of view regarding the national legislation in the field.
* Links with national and international associations of profile in order to collaborate with them by creating a manifestation framework of its members in the field of promoting their own experience, implementing new shooting technologies and making proposals for improving the current work activity.
* Establishing and strengthening working relationships with related national and international associations, government agencies, academic institutions and any society allied with common or similar objectives.
* Development of partnerships with associations and institutions in Romania and abroad. Membership of national and international profile networks or federations.